Monday, October 2, 2017

What to do when we drive to Malaysia?

A learning lesson for us to remember. Always remember get your passport stamped upon entry and stamped upon departure if you go to a foreign land. If there are no officers around -  even when the counter light is green, do not attempt to drive in without your passport stamped.

Even if you have the Malaysian Automated Clearance System (MACS) sticker, applied for frequent visit within a year, always check its validity and make sure it is valid before you enter the country. Once expired, remember to fill up the disembarkation/embarkation card and get both your passport and the departure portion of the card stamped. And make sure the immigration stamp is clear for us to read the conditions.

Also, make sure your passport is in order such as existing pages before and after your passport is stamped by the foreign immigration officer. Should there be any discrepancy after your passport cleared, check with the officer who stamped your passport or their immigration office for assistance. I guess there is nothing much our Foreign Ministry and mission can do other then to stay in touch with our citizens who are detained, as the foreign authorities have every valid reason to detain a foreign suspect. Usually they will assist you to engage you a lawyer if you need one, and stay to keep in touch with you of the progress of your case.